As a identity manager, I would like to see a user-level setting (rather than tenant-level) that determines whether two-factor authentication is required or not.
Yugandhar Budamala
about 2 years ago
in Identity management
Future consideration
As a tenant admin I want to see the basics of my tenant's information so that I can check the data matches the commercial agreement. For example, my subscription term, number of users, etc.
Yugandhar Budamala
about 2 years ago
in Scalability
Already exists
Internationalization support for number form fields
As an international user I want to see number formats presented in a way that's familiar to me so that I can read numbers faster and without error. For example, comma-position, decimal character. It would also be helpful to be able to specify deci...
Yugandhar Budamala
about 2 years ago
in Other
Future consideration
Allow identity managers to view a user's two-factor backup code for account recovery
As a super user, I want to view a user's backup codes when they are two-factor enabled so that if they can't use 2FA or have lost their back-up codes I can recover their account.
Yugandhar Budamala
about 2 years ago
in Identity management
Future consideration