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Ideas Portal


Showing 12

Ability to purge chat data (AI Assistant)

As part of our data privacy discussions we would like to ask for the ability to purge chat conversation data either when a user clears their history or at a specific increment or on specific dates that we can configure.
Mark Eager-Wright 2 months ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Rate a chat

I want the option to rate a chat as thumbs up or down so that I can give feedback based on my experience and the service can be improved.
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Hand-off to live chat bot action

As a experience designer I want my bot to be able to hand-off to live chat so that humans can help when bots can't. This is most likely a 3rd party live chat service with integrated service management.
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Clone a bot

I want to clone a chat so that I can easily copy an existing bot as a starting point.
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Bot reorder

I want to define the order of my bots so that I have more control over which bot pops up when multiple bots that meet targetting criteria
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Chat transcript

After my chat session is finished, I want to receive an email record of my chat so that I can refer back to any details at a later point
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Ability to add 3rd-party script to head

Ability to add a <script> tag to the head so that I can display certain 3rd-party content within Applaud
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Delete model instance chat action

The ability for chatbots to delete model instances from within a chat flow
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Bot preview

I want a preview mode so that I can test a bot before it's activated to verify it works as expected
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration

Bot listing improvements

Enhancements to the bot listing page to show additional helpful information such as the number of sessions, and user feedback on whether the bot was helpful or not (likes and dislikes counts)
Vasudha Siddhabhaktuni about 2 years ago in Chatbot 0 Future consideration