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Ideas Portal

Content management

Showing 3

Advert block - Ability to configure video on advert blocks

I want to be able to configure video on advert block so that I can use the same to create stunning advert blocks with intro videos.
Yugandhar Budamala about 2 years ago in Content management 0 Will not implement

UX refinement with Material Design 3.0

Modernize the user interface to keep it fresh and consumer-grade for all devices by introducing the very best parts of MD3 such as new animations, transitions, use of colour and typography
Duncan Casemore about 2 years ago in Content management 0 Will not implement

Option to override sorts for foreign key form fields

I want to specify a custom sort order for values in a foreign key form field so that they're displayed in a logical order, which isn't always alphabetical.
Keertana Ralapati about 2 years ago in Content management 0 Will not implement