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Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Other
Created by Mark Eager-Wright
Created on Dec 16, 2024

Ability to send Ad-hoc Notifications

It would be useful to be able to send ad-hoc notifications to specific personas of users without the need for this to be triggered by a process/journey. This could be for the purpose of drawing attention to specific topics (such as highlights), to flag changes in legislation to managers or employees, to send reminders about annual process events such as deadlines for submitting pay review information etc.

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  • Mark Eager-Wright
    Jan 9, 2025

    Thanks Steve,

    It would be great to understand how we would do this as I note you say we don't have the creator platform. Is that something we would need to pay for or something we can turn on?


  • Admin
    Steve Jackson
    Jan 9, 2025

    @Guest - thank you for raising this idea. Ad-hoc comms is an interesting one - it's something we have toyed with in the past, but there has never been a truly compelling use-case to use Applaud for this over other communication methods (i.e. sending an email).

    Actually creating a form to send an ad-hoc message is something you can do already with our Creator Platform - )you don't have it configured though) - the complexity comes in how you might want to send to subsets of people rather than send all. There are various ways you can approach this, but I would imagine that our user groups capability might be where the magic would happen (i.e. send a comm to all UK employees).

    Another consideration is how to measure adoption - i.e. who has read the message, where would it link to, would there be a broader comms piece etc.

    In summary, if this is something you are interested in, best to start with some exploration of existing functionality first - and then if we hit a block, my team can look at options for enhancements. Happy to discuss further nest time we catch up.