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Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Content management
Created by Duncan Casemore
Created on Jan 18, 2023

List bulk edit

A list bulk edit that might allow us to do this:

  1. Use search and/or filters to narrow a bunch of list items (or select them manually)

  2. Hit 'Bulk edit' as an action

  3. This brings up a modal window with all the model properties and a checkbox next to each

  4. Tick a checkbox against the ones you want to bulk update, then pick a new value from the input field (might be a number/date/lookup/whatever field)

  5. Hit save.

  6. You see an async progress indicator whilst the bulk update action is happening.

  7. The list data automatically updates (without a refresh)

Naturally, access control would need to be overlaid over the top of this.

  • Attach files