The ability to allow seamless communication and collaboration between the two systems, enabling users to receive notifications, share information, and perform actions directly from Google Chat.
Steve Jackson
about 2 years ago
in Integration
Future consideration
The ability for partners, services team and others to publish community recipes for use with Applaud that show for all Applaud customers in the Workato section
Duncan Casemore
about 2 years ago
in Integration
Future consideration
Workato - search action less than and greater than support for dates and numbers
Applaud Workato connector search action to support less than and greater than operators for both dates and numbers. This allows users to search for data that falls within a specific range or to exclude data outside of a certain range. It will enha...
Yugandhar Budamala
about 2 years ago
in Integration
Future consideration
Allow an employee to translate data into their preferred language and input it into the system. The purpose is to make the data entry process easier and faster for the employee.
Duncan Casemore
about 2 years ago
in Integration
Future consideration